Welcome to the Industrial Maintaining Organization
Industrial Maintaining Organization Y2K
The world has changed. Millions of people live in structures that promote a different sense of family. Everyone over the age of 18 has a job. Each job is part of an elaborate system that primarily functions to maintain the industrial complex that is organized to expand and multiple across the universe. With this in mind, no one strives through competition, exploitation, and oppression. Wars against nature are over. No more do we educate masses of people to feel inferior or superior. All knowledge has been shared equally to all for decades. Nature still is unpredictable. But we are not trying to control or experiment with it. We now prepare for its inevitable victory over us. We have evolved to a species that understands our humanity in the face of our technology. These tasks were achieved partly by a mass revolution of the student class over the World Wide Web. After years of imbalance, violence, and misunderstanding we as universal people have surrendered and realized that change is more important than reaction. This is The Industrial Maintaining Organization. Never again will the term “man” dictate be our definition. Imoians are people with no nationalism or patriotism.
Afterlife - 48 x 72 acrylic - 2018
Welcome to the Afterlife - IMO the new world
Imoians cannot envision any place better than what they already created. – Industrial Maintaining Organization
African people need to be able to experience a visual, tactile and visceral experience of the future; the IMO is an offering of new age beyond the economic calamities of capitalism
Afterlife major and intense work load always challenging. Each member of society has purpose and a space no one is left out.
Digital and Art Creations
Our latest and best artworks
I love to paint and draw and show them to the world.